Sunday 27 October 2013

Marc Faber: Maybe Gold is signalling a Collapse of all asset prices.

Here’s what Marc Faber, editor of Gloom Boom Doom report told MarketWatch in an email.
“Maybe gold is signaling a deflationary collapse of all asset prices. If this were indeed the case I suppose I would rather own gold than government bonds, high yield bonds and equities. If this scenario were to pass it would lead to even more money printing around the world,” says Faber, who was talking about asset price deflation and gold back in march.
Peter Hug, global trading director at Kitco, agrees with this possible scenario. He believes the dangers to the global recovery are on the deflationary, rather than the inflationary side. He doesn’t expect the Fed will move on rates until 2014, but says the central bank is likely to jaw-bone those potentially policy changes to prepare investors.
Source: Marketwatch

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