Friday 15 November 2013

What has been seen can be unseen: a catalog of photos censored by China’s Sina Weibo

There’s a lot that cannot be said on China’s internet. And there’s much that cannot be shown as well. That’s why US-based non-profit Pro Publica has created a catalog  of images and photos that have been censored by and removed from Sina Weibao, the country’s equivalent of Twitter.
It creates a hectic yet somehow moving mosaic of social issues, disaffection, and utterly bizarre Orwellian hyper-vigilance. Sina Weibo, being a real-time social network, is at the fore front of people's pushback against what cannot be said, shown, or shared in China.
These banished images show that what can be seen can be unseen – at least in the minds of the censors, if not in the visual cortex of the nation’s netizens.

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