Sunday 16 March 2014

China now has half a billion mobile web users, 618 million total internet users I

China now has half a billion mobile internet users, 618 million total internet users in 2013

China now has 618 million internet users and 500 million mobile web users, according to new figures today from the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). The new numbers from CNNIC are for December 2013. They show strong growth from the agency’s last report midway through 2013 when we saw that China had 591 million internet users and 460 million mobile netizens. The number of mobile web users has more than doubled from the end of 2009 when there were only 233 million accessing the web via phones. China’s smartphone boom – there are about 270 million active Android users in the country right now – has surely caused a big bump in mobile web browsing in the past few years. This is the graph for total web users. The precise figure for the end of 2013 is 617.58 million:

This is the graph for web users:

China now has half a billion mobile internet users, 618 million total internet users

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