Thursday 13 March 2014

Warren Buffet thoughts. Need to remind in time of Crisis

“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful”

 “Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” 

  “I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. I read and think. So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business. I do it because I like this kind of life.” 

“Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing” 

 “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you'll do things differently.” 

  “There comes a time when you ought to start doing what you want. Take a job that you love. You will jump out of bed in the morning. I think you are out of your mind if you keep taking jobs that you don't like because you think it will look good on your resume. Isn't that a little like saving up sex for your old age?”

 “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction". 

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