Monday 3 March 2014

Why young people in Japan will work for companies that don't exist -- yet

A 10-year-old in Japan today will likely be hired by a company that does not exist yet. That's because, according to two researchers from Hitotsubashi University and Nihon University here in Japan, Japanese companies created after 1996 contributed a net positive of 1.2 million new jobs. But older companies shed a net 3.1 million jobs in that time.
It’s not news that startups are the jobs engine for Japan. It’s the same in the United States.But what is troubling is that according to research from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania using World Bank data, Japan, ranks dead last among modern, industrial nations in the average annual entry rate of new enterprises. In other words, Japan is reliant on new companies for jobs but creates the fewest new businesses.
There are many reasons Japan lags in entrepreneurship. One is that Japan dramatically under-utilizes women.

Source: NewsOnJapan

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