Wednesday 11 September 2013

Japan grapples with the rise of hate groups

Since around 2010, Japan has begun to witness a phenomenon it had never seen in the post-World War II era: conservative activists and ordinary citizens have begun marching through the streets of the cities, denouncing China, Korea, the media, and the government officials they accuse of selling out the nation.
But these marchers are turning out to be the relative moderates. Since late 2012, a more radical fringe, called the Zaitokukai and carrying wartime Japanese Rising Sun flags, began appearing in predominantly Korean neighborhoods, such as Shin-Okubo in Tokyo, shouting out that the residents are parasites and cockroaches, and even declaring that they should be massacred. At the beginning of this year, grassroots anti-racism groups began to organize counter-demonstrations through the internet to oppose the Zaitokukai.
Source: NewsOnJapan

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