Wednesday 13 November 2013

Billionaire Mikitani's Kenko sues Japan government on drug curbs Inc., a unit of billionaire Hiroshi Mikitani's Internet retailer, said it filed a lawsuit against the Japanese government to fight restrictions on the online sale of some drugs.

The government's ban is "unconstitutional," and the lawsuit was filed at the Tokyo District Court, Rakuten Inc. (4755) unit Kenko said in a stock-exchange statement yesterday. The cabinet approved a bill yesterday that would limit some sales.
The filing came after Mikitani, the 48-year-old head of Rakuten, threatened legal action against the government and said he would step down from a key government council if Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pushed forward a bill that would prevent Internet sales of 28 drug products. The Kenko suit and online drug sales will be handled according to the law, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga at a press conference.

Source: NewsOnJapan

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