Tuesday 5 November 2013

Rocket to carry Chang'e 3 arrives at launch center

China is getting one step closer to landing its first probe on the moon. A Long March-3B carrier rocket has reached the launch center of the Chang’e 3 moon probe in Xichang launch center in southwest China’s Sichuan Province.
Assembly and testing will now be carried out. The Long March-3B, with its four booster rockets, is China’s most powerful carrier rocket. More than 50 meters long, the rocket can send a 5.5-ton satellite into orbit more than 1,000 kilometers from earth. A modified guiding system is equipped, in order to directly send the Chang’e 3 moon probe into a more exact orbit and save fuel in future missions.
Wu Weiren, Chief designer of the second phase of China’s lunar probe project says that observing the carrier rocket’s running state in the entire launch process is also one of the designers’ priorities.
Wu Weiren, Chief Designer of China's Lunar Probe 2nd Phase, said, "Chang’e 3 will perform a soft landing on the lunar surface, and carry a special moon rover for detailed exploration and collection of lunar soil and stone samples. The landing process is the most crucial and challenging in the entire launch phase of the carrier rocket. The mission will showcase updated, state-of-the-art technologies and capabilities."

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