Monday 27 January 2014

Games: Top multiplatform games to get excited about in 2014

 2014 is set to be a strong year for multiplatform games

The months following a console launch are often a defining period in the life cycle of a console, and there's one thing that every platform owner dreads – the game drought. Nintendo's Wii U suffered from a lack of quality software in the months following its release, as did the PlayStation 3 before it. Luckily, things don't look so bleak for Sony and Microsoft's new platforms, with a wealth of new titles hitting current (last?) and next (current?) gen systems alike.

Unlike last year's dire Alien Colonial Marines, developer Creative Assembly's Isolation is primarily a survival horror title, and it's exactly what fans of the franchise have been waiting for.
The game puts players on an eerie, giant and near-deserted ship with nothing but a motion sensor and their wits to defend them. It's clear that the developer has Ridley Scott's original in mind, with the majority of the story featuring only a single Xenomorph, and there being absolutely no weapons to help you fight it.
Visually, the title looks solid and Creative Assembly seems to have nailed the trademark Alien aesthetic. With so many big-budget first person shooters hitting the market late this year, Isolation looks set to provide a different sort of experience, but one that's every bit as compelling.
Source: Gizmag

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