Tuesday 28 January 2014

China industrial profits up 2.2%, faster than 2012

Profits at China's industrial companies rose at a faster pace last year compared to 2012.
December profits for industrial companies with annual revenues of more than 20 million yuan reached 942.5 billion yuan. That's up 6 percent year on year, but slower than November's growth. Industrial profits totalled 6.28 trillion yuan for 2013, up 12.2 percent from 2012.
The growth rate was nearly 7 percent higher than in 2012. 35 of 41 industrial sectors earned more last year than in 2012. Electricity suppliers, automakers and non-metallic mineral manufacturers were among the big earners thanks to strong sales and cost cutting. Energy industries, meanwhile, underperformed due to weak demand.
Source: CCTV

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