Wednesday, 9 October 2013

OECD Indicators Point to Economic Pickup in China, Russia

According to an article published today in the Wall Street Journal:
"Economic growth is set to pick up in China and Russia, as well as in major developed economies, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's composite leading indicators.
The OECD's leading indicators , suggest that after slowing earlier this year, economic output is reviving.
 The leading indicators suggest that growth in Russia may also be set for a pickup, although they continue to point to slower growth in Brazil and India. Both economies have been affected by a withdrawal of capital as investors anticipate stronger growth in developed economies, and an eventual tightening of monetary policy by developed-country central banks.
According to the leading indicators, Germany will continue to lead the euro zone's modest recovery, with Italy poised for a pickup in growth after almost two years of declining activity, and France is also set for a pickup.
The leading indicators continue to point to firming growth in the U.S. and Japan, the two largest developed economies, as well as the U.K.
The Paris-based think tank said its leading indicator of economic activity in its 34 developed-country members rose to 100.6 in August from 100.5 in July".

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